1 Nisan 1986 Tarihli Commodore Gazetesi Sayfa 36

1 Nisan 1986 tarihli Commodore Gazetesi Sayfa 36
Metin içeriği (otomatik olarak oluşturulmuştur)

Teleteknik' Sizlere... ten Bilgisayar A Bilgisayar A Bilgisayar Ansiklop”' isi-3.CİİT. C-bA Türkçe Kullanım KI ZU , ABAA Disk Sürücü Kullanım KIİAVUZU->:. Ga a a a gel aç ean gaa GA L 002..... $ -64 Kelime İşlem BU Crdğlk ae güpü A Z nnn v Easy Seript C-bA User's Reference GUĞO eei lArAAAN e StIDI ICHİNG Peeks & Pokes C-©d ... Machine Language Book for İhe C60 naüapeel Advanced Machine Language Book for the C-64A..... idea Book N BölyenmaRRY ASAT . KO0O0O....: Graphics Bo . KODO7Z ...- Tricks & TİPS SUNŞHİ NF Programming —TT ee 7.500.- 2 KO024.....-: 7.500.- iftical Intelligence on the C-bd.eeree ications fOr he Cb4A... The Workin9g Commodore bA Commodore 6A Machine BB Gtldr e Ki Eze L anta ine Code ON e a aa DeD a ÖS aa AR T eee chnigues On the C60 eee rs on the Commodore Computer.... Games Routines fOr the C- Disk Companlon...rererrr” igues on İhe C-bA... : .......... Bo di Commodo! bA MUSİCeeeserse The Working Commodore AÖ NN The Commodore C-16/Plus-A ĞALi DN L S B PNE HUL SE Hse Gulde F Ha P L AT G dore 64 Exposed... ..... BÖ eli AD Commodore bA Games........ Commodore G4 CÖK Ai e gel glne ğ meHÖE ST D AA supercharge Your Commodore.......... Commodore 6A Sound & Craplilosı eei ae G A hneora Commodore 64 Machine Language FOT the Abs 64 Sofstwoare ProjeCtSeresiekeerenkL UNNT Cornmodore ö EXDOSAÜ ada İN D ggi dore 16 Machine Language For the Absolute Beginner Commodore 64 Whole Memory Gülde.....eree

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